Designer Fitness / Personal Trainer in Sarasota, Florida

Designer Fitness has been in business for more than 25 years. Our clients are detail oriented and want to make sure they work out correctly. They want to maximize the benefits of their normal daily movement. Modalities used at the Studio include Pilates, Fitness Balls and exercises for Balance and Coordination. As our workout program is customized for you, we deliver results, efficiently! Certifications from ACSM, AFFA, The Cooper Institute, NCSA, NASM, NFPT and others -- far more than any other trainer in the State of Florida!


10+ Years Experience 2. Small Group Training 20 Years Experience 4. Corporate Wellness ACE Advanced Health & Fitness Specialist ACE Certified Personal Trainer ACE Master Member ACS Certified Cancer Exercise Trainer ACSM Certified Cancer Exercise Trainer ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist ACSM Certified Group Exercise Leader ACSM Certified Health Fitness Specialist ACSM Certified Personal Trainer AFAA Certified Personal Fitness Trainer American Cancer Society American College Of Sports Medicine Certified ASCM Balance Certified Trainers Cooper Institute CPT CPR/AED FiTOUR™ Educator/Instructor/Personal Trainer Functional Training NASM Certified Personal Trainer NASM Certified Weight Loss Specialist NASM Certified Women’s Fitness Specialist NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist NASM Golf Fitness Specialist NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist NASM Senior Fitness Specialist NASM Sernior Fitness Specialist NASM Weight Loss Specialist NASM Women's Fitness Specialist NASM Youth Exercise Specialist NFPT Certified Personal Trainer NSCA Certified Personal Trainer NSCA Professional Member Personal Training Private Gym Small Group Training Sport Specific Training Strength Training Training Adults And Children With Cognitive Disabilities Wellness Coaching Youth Fitness
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